T-16 - Courts of Justice Act

Texte complet
246.28. All sums collected under the pension plans established by Parts V.1, VI and VI.1 shall be paid into the Consolidated Revenue Fund. All sums required for the purposes of the plans and for the purposes of Part VI.2 shall be taken out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
1990, c. 44, s. 23; 1996, c. 53, s. 52; 2001, c. 8, s. 16; 2006, c. 49, s. 125.
246.28. All sums collected under the pension plans established by Parts V.1, VI and VI.1 shall be paid into the consolidated revenue fund. All sums required for the purposes of the plans and for the purposes of Part VI.2 shall be taken out of the consolidated revenue fund, except those sums required for their administration, which shall be paid in accordance with section 158.5 of the Act respecting the Government and Public Retirement Plan (chapter R-10).
1990, c. 44, s. 23; 1996, c. 53, s. 52; 2001, c. 8, s. 16.
246.28. All sums collected under the pension plans established by Parts VI and VI.1 shall be paid into the consolidated revenue fund. All sums required for the purposes of the plans and for the purposes of Part VI.2 shall be taken out of the consolidated revenue fund, except those sums required for their administration, which shall be paid in accordance with section 158.5 of the Act respecting the Government and Public Retirement Plan (chapter R-10).
1990, c. 44, s. 23; 1996, c. 53, s. 52.
246.28. All sums collected under the pension plans established by Parts VI and VI.1 shall be paid into the consolidated revenue fund. All sums required for the purposes of the plans and for the purposes of Part VI.2 shall be taken out of the consolidated revenue fund, except those sums required for their administration, which shall be granted annually by Parliament.
1990, c. 44, s. 23.