T-16 - Courts of Justice Act

Texte complet
244. A judge who, upon ceasing to hold office, is not eligible for retirement with a pension under Chapter II and has two years or more of service to his credit for the purpose of computing his pension is entitled only to a deferred annuity payable at 65 years of age and computed in accordance with sections 230 and 231, unless he transfers his years of service to another pension plan pursuant to a transfer agreement made under section 246.24.
The deferred annuity is paid for life and confers on the spouse, children and heirs, from the time it becomes payable, the same rights as those conferred in the case of a judge who is eligible for retirement with a pension under Chapter II.
1978, c. 19, s. 33; 1990, c. 44, s. 11.
244. If a judge has held, at a time prior to his appointment, any judicial office to which a pension was attached under this Part, the years during which he has held that office may be counted for the purposes of his pension.
However, a judge who has obtained the reimbursement of his contributions shall not benefit by this section unless he pays to the consolidated revenue fund an amount equal to the contributions that were reimbursed to him, in the manner and at the rate of interest determined by regulation.
1978, c. 19, s. 33.