T-16 - Courts of Justice Act

Texte complet
224.7. For the purposes of this pension plan, a year or part of a year of service is any year or part of a year
1°  during which a judge of the Court of Québec or of the municipal court of a municipality that is a party to this pension plan held judicial office or during which a judge was granted leave without pay or leave with deferred pay under section 122.0.1, to the extent that the judge has paid the contributions required under section 224.2, and subject to the applicable fiscal rules ;
1.1°  subsequent to 31 December 2016 and during which a presiding justice of the peace held judicial office or was granted leave without pay or leave with deferred pay under section 175, to the extent that the justice paid the contributions required under section 224.2, and subject to the applicable fiscal rules;
2°  during which the judge held any function to which pensionable service is attached under this plan;
3°  of past service credited pursuant to a transfer agreement made under section 246.24 or pursuant to section 224.30 or 224.33;
4°  in respect of which the judge receives benefits, as a salary replacement under an employee benefits plan established under the first paragraph of section 122 or, where applicable, under an equivalent plan in effect in a municipality that is a party to this pension plan, including any year or part of a year during which the judge was relieved from judicial duties under section 93.1;
5°  subsequent to 31 December 2016 and in respect of which a presiding justice of the peace receives benefits, as a salary replacement under an employee benefits plan established under section 175, including any year or part of a year during which the justice was relieved from duties under section 168.
The Government shall fix, by order, the conditions that must be fulfilled so that a year or part of a year during which a judge was granted leave without pay or leave with deferred pay may be counted for the purposes of the pension plan.
If a judge has received, in respect of certain years, a refund of contributions paid including the contributions from which the judge was exempt, and has not repaid those contributions as permitted by sections 224.26, 244.9 and 244.10, such years shall be taken into account for pension eligibility purposes only. The same applies to years of service in respect of which a judge received a refund of the contributions transferred to this plan.
A year or part of a year of service shall not be counted under this plan if it is counted under another pension plan.
A judge shall not accumulate service and shall not acquire entitlement to any additional amount of pension under this plan after 30 December of the year in which the judge reaches 69 years of age.
2001, c. 8, s. 9; 2017, c. 30, s. 11; 2023, c. 23, s. 54.
224.7. For the purposes of this pension plan, a year or part of a year of service is any year or part of a year
1°  during which a judge of the Court of Québec or of the municipal court of a municipality that is a party to this pension plan held judicial office or during which a judge was granted leave without pay or leave with deferred pay under section 122.0.1, to the extent that the judge has paid the contributions required under section 224.2, and subject to the applicable fiscal rules ;
1.1°  subsequent to 31 December 2016 and during which a presiding justice of the peace held judicial office or was granted leave without pay or leave with deferred pay under section 175, to the extent that the justice paid the contributions required under section 224.2, and subject to the applicable fiscal rules;
2°  during which the judge held any function to which pensionable service is attached under this plan;
3°  of past service credited pursuant to a transfer agreement made under section 246.24 or pursuant to section 224.30;
4°  in respect of which the judge receives benefits, as a salary replacement under an employee benefits plan established under the first paragraph of section 122 or, where applicable, under an equivalent plan in effect in a municipality that is a party to this pension plan, including any year or part of a year during which the judge was relieved from judicial duties under section 93.1;
5°  subsequent to 31 December 2016 and in respect of which a presiding justice of the peace receives benefits, as a salary replacement under an employee benefits plan established under section 175, including any year or part of a year during which the justice was relieved from duties under section 168.
The Government shall fix, by order, the conditions that must be fulfilled so that a year or part of a year during which a judge was granted leave without pay or leave with deferred pay may be counted for the purposes of the pension plan.
If a judge has received, in respect of certain years, a refund of contributions paid including the contributions from which the judge was exempt, and has not repaid those contributions as permitted by sections 224.26, 244.9 and 244.10, such years shall be taken into account for pension eligibility purposes only. The same applies to years of service in respect of which a judge received a refund of the contributions transferred to this plan.
A year or part of a year of service shall not be counted under this plan if it is counted under another pension plan.
A judge shall not accumulate service and shall not acquire entitlement to any additional amount of pension under this plan after 30 December of the year in which the judge reaches 69 years of age.
2001, c. 8, s. 9; 2017, c. 30, s. 11.
224.7. For the purposes of this pension plan, a year or part of a year of service is any year or part of a year
1°  during which a judge of the Court of Québec or of the municipal court of a municipality that is a party to this pension plan held judicial office or during which a judge was granted leave without pay or leave with deferred pay under section 122.0.1, to the extent that the judge has paid the contributions required under section 224.2, and subject to the applicable fiscal rules ;
2°  during which the judge held any function to which pensionable service is attached under this plan ;
3°  of past service credited pursuant to a transfer agreement made under section 246.24 ;
4°  in respect of which the judge receives benefits, as a salary replacement under an employee benefits plan established under the first paragraph of section 122 or, where applicable, under an equivalent plan in effect in a municipality that is a party to this pension plan, including any year or part of a year during which the judge was relieved from judicial duties under section 93.1.
The Government shall fix, by order, the conditions that must be fulfilled so that a year or part of a year during which a judge was granted leave without pay or leave with deferred pay may be counted for the purposes of the pension plan.
If a judge has received, in respect of certain years, a refund of contributions paid including the contributions from which the judge was exempt, and has not repaid those contributions as permitted by sections 224.26, 244.9 and 244.10, such years shall be taken into account for pension eligibility purposes only.
A year or part of a year of service shall not be counted under this plan if it is counted under another pension plan.
A judge shall not accumulate service and shall not acquire entitlement to any additional amount of pension under this plan after 30 December of the year in which the judge reaches 69 years of age.
2001, c. 8, s. 9.