T-16 - Courts of Justice Act

Texte complet
224.6. A judge who, upon ceasing to hold office, has two years of service or more but does not satisfy any of the requirements set out in section 224.3, is entitled to a deferred pension payable at 65 years of age, computed in accordance with sections 224.8 and 224.9, unless the judge elects to transfer such years or parts of a year of service to another pension plan pursuant to a transfer agreement made under section 246.24.
A deferred pension confers on the judge’s spouse, children or heirs, from the time it becomes payable, the same rights as those provided in the case of a judge who is in receipt of a pension.
The deferred pension of a judge is cancelled if the judge is reappointed to an office to which pensionable service is attached under this pension plan, and the years or parts of a year of service accumulated are added to those already credited.
2001, c. 8, s. 9.