T-16 - Courts of Justice Act

Texte complet
224.14. For the purposes of this pension plan, the spouse of a judge is the person who, at the time of the judge’s death,
1°  is married to or in a civil union with the judge;
2°   has been living in a de facto union with the judge, the latter being neither married nor in a civil union, whether the person is of the same or opposite sex, for not less than three years, or for not less than one year if
a)  a child has been born or is to be born of their union;
b)  they have jointly adopted a child during their de facto union; or if
c)  one of them has adopted the child of the other during that de facto union.
2001, c. 8, s. 9; 2002, c. 6, s. 218.
224.14. For the purposes of this pension plan, the spouse of a judge is the person who, at the time of the judge’s death,
1°  is married to the judge ;
2°   has been living in a de facto union with the judge, who was unmarried, whether the person is of the same or opposite sex, for not less than three years, or for not less than one year if
a)  a child has been born or is to be born of their union ;
b)  they have jointly adopted a child during their de facto union ; or if
c)  one of them has adopted the child of the other during that de facto union.
2001, c. 8, s. 9.