T-16 - Courts of Justice Act

Texte complet
215. The Minister of Justice may also appoint, by commission under his seal, such persons as he deems competent and who reside in another province of Canada, in a Canadian territory or in another country, as commissioners to administer oaths therein for the purposes of proceedings in a court of this Province or of any deed or document to be implemented or to have legal effect in this Province.
A person so appointed may, if the commission provides therefor, also administer oaths elsewhere than his place of residence and for other purposes than those contemplated in the first paragraph.
A commissioner appointed under this section shall bear the title of “Commissioner for Oaths for the Province of Québec”.
1965 (1st sess.), c. 17, s. 30; 1981, c. 23, s. 54.
215. The Minister of Justice may also appoint, by commission under his seal, such persons as he deems competent and who reside in another province of Canada, in a Canadian territory or in another country, as commissioners to administer oaths therein for the purposes of proceedings in a court of this Province or of any deed or document to be implemented or to have legal effect in this Province.
A commissioner appointed under this section shall bear the title of “Commissioner for Oaths for the Province of Québec”.
1965 (1st sess.), c. 17, s. 30.