T-16 - Courts of Justice Act

Texte complet
168. A presiding justice of the peace who is suffering from permanent physical or mental disability which, in the opinion of the Government, prevents the justice of the peace from effectively performing the duties of the office shall be relieved from duties. Unless the justice of the peace resumes duties under the second paragraph, the justice of the peace is deemed to have ceased to hold office on the day preceding the day on which the justice of the peace is eligible for his or her pension under paragraph 1, 2 or 3 of section 224.3.
If the justice of the peace recovers, the Government may permit him or her to resume duties.
Permanent disability is established, at the request of the Minister of Justice, after inquiry by the Conseil de la magistrature. Termination of permanent disability is established in the same manner.
R. S. 1964, c. 20, s. 178; 1992, c. 61, s. 617; 2004, c. 12, s. 1; 2017, c. 30, s. 3.
168. A presiding justice of the peace who is suffering from permanent physical or mental disability which, in the opinion of the Government, prevents the justice of the peace from effectively performing the duties of the office shall be relieved from duties. Unless the justice of the peace resumes duties under the second paragraph, the justice of the peace is deemed to have ceased to hold office on the day preceding the day on which the justice of the peace satisfies the requirements for eligibility for his or her pension.
If the justice of the peace recovers, the Government may permit him or her to resume duties.
Permanent disability is established, at the request of the Minister of Justice, after inquiry by the Conseil de la magistrature. Termination of permanent disability is established in the same manner.
R. S. 1964, c. 20, s. 178; 1992, c. 61, s. 617; 2004, c. 12, s. 1.
168. (Replaced).
R. S. 1964, c. 20, s. 178; 1992, c. 61, s. 617.
168. When the qualification, or any part thereof, required by this subdivision, consists of rent, it shall be sufficient to specify, in such oath or notice, so much of the immoveable property, from which such rent is derived, as is of sufficient value to secure such rent.
R. S. 1964, c. 20, s. 178.