T-16 - Courts of Justice Act

Texte complet
135. The sittings of a division of the Court shall be presided by one judge, except where otherwise provided by law.
R. S. 1964, c. 20, s. 127; 1965 (1st sess.), c. 17, s. 2; 1988, c. 21, s. 30.
135. The judge of the Provincial Court shall hold all such Provincial Court, and hear, try and determine all such suits and proceedings, and exercise all such functions, proper to a judge of the Provincial Court, as are required or authorized by law; and generally he shall act in every case and matter in the manner authorized or required by law.
R. S. 1964, c. 20, s. 127; 1965 (1st sess.), c. 17, s. 2.