S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
37. If, pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the second paragraph of section 33, the local service quality and complaints commissioner brings a practice or the conduct of a personnel member that raises questions of a disciplinary nature to the attention of the department concerned or the human resources manager within the institution or the highest authority of the organization, resource or partnership or the person holding the position of highest authority responsible for the services that are the subject of a complaint under the first paragraph of section 34, the department, manager, authority or person must investigate and follow up the case diligently and report periodically to the local commissioner on the progress of the investigation.
The local service quality and complaints commissioner must be informed of the outcome of the case and of any disciplinary measure taken against the personnel member concerned. The local commissioner must in turn inform the user.
1991, c. 42, s. 37; 1998, c. 39, s. 9; 2001, c. 43, s. 41; 2005, c. 32, s. 224.
37. If, pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the second paragraph of section 33, the local service quality commissioner brings a practice or the conduct of a personnel member that raises questions of a disciplinary nature to the attention of the department concerned or the human resources manager within the institution or the highest authority of the organization, resource or partnership or the person holding the position of highest authority responsible for the services that are the subject of a complaint under the first paragraph of section 34, the department, manager, authority or person must investigate and follow up the case diligently and report periodically to the local commissioner on the progress of the investigation.
The local service quality commissioner must be informed of the outcome of the case and of any disciplinary measure taken against the personnel member concerned. The local commissioner must in turn inform the user.
1991, c. 42, s. 37; 1998, c. 39, s. 9; 2001, c. 43, s. 41.
37. The complaints officer may, on summary examination, dismiss any complaint he judges to be frivolous, vexatious or in bad faith.
He must inform the user, in writing if the complaint is in writing.
1991, c. 42, s. 37; 1998, c. 39, s. 9.
37. The senior management officer may, on summary examination, dismiss any complaint he judges to be frivolous, vexatious or in bad faith.
Where the complaint is in writing, he must inform the user in writing.
1991, c. 42, s. 37.