S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
336. An agency may, according to the eligibility and allotment criteria it determines in accordance with the applicable budgetary rules, subsidize a community organization in one or other of the following cases:
1°  where it offers prevention, assistance and support services to persons in the region, including temporary lodging services;
2°  where it engages, at the regional level, in activities to promote, raise awareness of and defend the rights and interests of the users of its services or the users of health or social services in the region.
An agency may also subsidize a community organization committed, at the regional level, to promoting health and social development.
1991, c. 42, s. 336; 2005, c. 32, s. 130.
336. A regional board may, according to the eligibility and allotment criteria it determines in accordance with the applicable budgetary rules, subsidize a community organization in one or other of the following cases:
1°  where it offers prevention, assistance and support services to persons in the region, including temporary lodging services included in the regional service organization plan of the regional board;
2°  where it engages, at the regional level, in activities to promote, raise awareness of and defend the rights and interests of the users of its services or the users of health or social services in the region.
A regional board may also subsidize a community organization committed, at the regional level, to promoting health and social development where so provided for in the regional service organization plans.
1991, c. 42, s. 336.