S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
333.7. Only the following medical services may be provided in a specialized medical centre:
1°  medical services necessary for surgery or any other specialized medical treatment referred to in section 333.1 and entered on the permit issued to the operator of the specialized medical centre under section 441;
2°  medical services identified in section 333.6 that are associated with such surgery or such specialized medical treatment; and
3°  medical services corresponding to activities permitted in a private health facility.
The operator of a specialized medical centre must ensure compliance with the first paragraph.
2006, c. 43, s. 11; 2009, c. 29, s. 7.
333.7. Only a physician who provides medical services necessary for surgery or any other specialized medical treatment described in section 333.1, or medical services described in section 333.6 that are associated with the surgery or treatment, may practise in a specialized medical centre.
The operator of a specialized medical centre must make sure the first paragraph is complied with, in accordance with the terms of the permit issued to the operator.
Nothing in this section prevents a physician who practises in a specialized medical centre from also carrying on in the centre the professional activities permitted in a private health facility.
2006, c. 43, s. 11.