S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
333.2. A physician who is a member of the Collège des médecins du Québec is the only natural person who may operate a specialized medical centre. If the operator of the centre is a legal person or a partnership, more than 50% of the voting rights attached to the shares of the legal person or the interests in the partnership must be held
1°  by physicians who are members of that professional order;
2°  by a legal person or a partnership all of whose voting rights attached to the shares or interests are held
a)  by physicians described in subparagraph 1; or
b)  by another legal person or partnership all of whose voting rights attached to the shares or interests are held by such physicians; or
3°  both by physicians described in subparagraph 1 and by one or more legal persons or partnerships described in subparagraph 2.
The affairs of a legal person or a partnership that operates a specialized medical centre must be administered by a board of directors or internal management board a majority of whose members are physicians practising in the centre; such physicians must at all times form the majority of the quorum of the board of directors or internal management board.
The shareholders of a legal person or the partners in a partnership that operates a specialized medical centre may not enter into an agreement that restricts the power of the directors of the legal person or the partnership.
A producer or distributor of a good or service related to health and social services who is not a physician described in the first paragraph may not hold, directly or indirectly, any shares of the legal person or any interest in the partnership operating a specialized medical centre if such a good or such a service may be required by the centre’s clientele before, while or after a medical service is provided.
2006, c. 43, s. 11; 2009, c. 29, s. 3.
333.2. A physician who is a member of the Collège des médecins du Québec is the only natural person who may operate a specialized medical centre. If the operator of the centre is a legal person or a partnership, more than 50% of the voting rights attached to the shares of the legal person or the interests in the partnership must be held
1°  by physicians who are members of that professional order;
2°  by a legal person or a partnership all of whose voting rights attached to the shares or interests are held
a)  by physicians described in subparagraph 1; or
b)  by another legal person or partnership all of whose voting rights attached to the shares or interests are held by such physicians; or
3°  both by physicians described in subparagraph 1 and by one or more legal persons or partnerships described in subparagraph 2.
The affairs of a specialized medical centre operated by a legal person or a partnership must be administered by a board of directors or internal management board that includes a majority of physicians who are members of the Collège des médecins du Québec; such physicians must at all times form the majority of the quorum of the board of directors or internal management board.
The shareholders of a legal person or the partners in a partnership that operates a specialized medical centre may not enter into an agreement that restricts the power of the directors of the legal person or the partnership.
A producer or distributor of a good or service related to health and social services who is not a physician described in the first paragraph may not hold, directly or indirectly, any shares of the legal person or any interest in the partnership operating a specialized medical centre if such a good or such a service may be required by the centre’s clientele before, while or after a medical service is provided.
2006, c. 43, s. 11; 2009, c. 29, s. 3.
333.2. Only a physician who is a member of the Collège des médecins du Québec may operate a specialized medical centre. If the operator of the centre is a legal person or a partnership, more than 50% of the voting rights attached to the shares of the legal person or interests in the partnership must be held by physicians who are members of that professional order.
The affairs of a specialized medical centre operated by a legal person or a partnership must be administered by a board of directors or internal management board that includes a majority of physicians who are members of the Collège des médecins du Québec; such physicians must at all times form the majority of the quorum of the board of directors or internal management board.
A producer or distributor of a good or service related to health and social services who is not a physician described in the first paragraph may not hold, directly or indirectly, any shares of the legal person or any interest in the partnership operating a specialized medical centre if such a good or such a service may be required by the centre’s clientele before, while or after a medical service is provided.
2006, c. 43, s. 11.