S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
273. The agency may, at any time, verify the accuracy of information given to it by an institution concerning any project submitted under section 272, or demand information on the use made of assistance obtained under that section, as the case may be.
Where an institution has obtained the right to receive assistance through false representation or has used any part of the assistance for purposes other than those for which it should have been used, the agency may, of its own initiative or at the request of the Minister, declare the institution forfeited of the benefit of the assistance granted and take any step to require the institution and the foundation or legal person providing the assistance to remedy the situation.
1991, c. 42, s. 273; 1996, c. 36, s. 51; 2005, c. 32, s. 227.
273. The regional board may, at any time, verify the accuracy of information given to it by an institution concerning any project submitted under section 272, or demand information on the use made of assistance obtained under that section, as the case may be.
Where an institution has obtained the right to receive assistance through false representation or has used any part of the assistance for purposes other than those for which it should have been used, the regional board may, of its own initiative or at the request of the Minister, declare the institution forfeited of the benefit of the assistance granted and take any step to require the institution and the foundation or legal person providing the assistance to remedy the situation.
1991, c. 42, s. 273; 1996, c. 36, s. 51.
273. The regional board may, at any time, verify the accuracy of information given to it by an institution concerning any project submitted under section 272, or demand information on the use made of assistance obtained under that section, as the case may be.
Where an institution has obtained the right to receive assistance through false representation or has used any part of the assistance for purposes other than those for which it should have been used, the regional board may, of its own initiative or at the request of the Minister, declare the institution forfeited of the benefit of the assistance granted and take any step to require the institution and the foundation or corporation providing the assistance to remedy the situation.
1991, c. 42, s. 273.