S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
269. Every amount received as a gift, legacy, subsidy or other form of contribution, except an amount granted by the Gouvernement du Québec or a department or agency referred to in section 268, shall be entered directly in the institution’s own property and is subject to the rules governing the use of such property prescribed by section 269.1.
However, the amount of a contribution made for special purposes shall be paid into a special fund created by the institution. It shall be deposited or invested in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code respecting investments presumed sound, until it is used for the special purposes for which the contribution was made.
Where sums have been granted for the specific purpose of furnishing the institution with capital that must be preserved and of which only the income may be used, the amount thereof shall be paid into an endowment fund created by the institution and administered in the manner set out in the second paragraph.
A separate statement for each fund created under this section shall appear in the financial statements of the institution.
1991, c. 42, s. 269; 1998, c. 39, s. 87; 1999, c. 40, s. 269.
269. Every amount received as a gift, legacy, subsidy or other form of contribution, except an amount granted by the Gouvernement du Québec or a department or agency referred to in section 268, shall be entered directly in the institution’s own property and is subject to the rules governing the use of such property prescribed by section 269.1.
However, the amount of a contribution made for special purposes shall be paid into a special fund created by the institution. It shall be deposited or invested in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of Québec (Statutes of Québec, 1991, chapter 64) concerning the investment of property of others, until it is used for the special purposes for which the contribution was made.
Where sums have been granted for the specific purpose of furnishing the institution with capital that must be preserved and of which only the income may be used, the amount thereof shall be paid into an endowment fund created by the institution and administered in the manner set out in the second paragraph.
A separate statement for each fund created under this section shall appear in the financial statements of the institution.
1991, c. 42, s. 269; 1998, c. 39, s. 87.
269. Every amount received as a gift, legacy, subsidy or other form of contribution, except an amount granted by the Gouvernement du Québec or a department or agency referred to in section 268, shall be entered directly in the institution’s own property and is subject to the rules governing the use of such property that are determined by regulation of the Minister.
However, the amount of a contribution made for special purposes shall be paid into a special fund created by the institution. It shall be deposited or invested in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of Québec concerning the investment of property of others, until it is used for the special purposes for which the contribution was made.
Where sums have been granted for the specific purpose of furnishing the institution with capital that must be preserved and of which only the income may be used, the amount thereof shall be paid into an endowment fund created by the institution and administered in the manner set out in the second paragraph.
A separate statement for each fund created under this section shall appear in the financial statements of the institution.
1991, c. 42, s. 269.