S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
259.7. In urgent cases, the midwifery services coordinator, the chair of the council of midwives or, where section 225.2 applies, the chair of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists or, if such persons are absent or fail to act, the executive director may suspend a midwife’s right to practise under a service contract.
The person imposing the suspension must immediately inform the chair of the executive committee of the council of midwives or, where section 225.2 applies, the chair of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, and send a report within 48 hours.
The suspension is valid until the board of directors has made a decision on the suspension, but may not exceed 10 days.
1999, c. 24, s. 35.