S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
204.1. When informed of the imminent or recent death of a potential organ or tissue donor, the director of professional services of an institution operating a general and specialized hospital shall diligently
1°  verify, with one of the organizations that coordinate organ or tissue donations and are designated by the Minister under section 2.0.11 of the Act respecting the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (chapter R-5), whether the potential donor’s consent for the post-mortem removal of organs or tissues is recorded in the consent registries established by the Ordre professionnel des notaires du Québec and the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec, in order to determine the donor’s last wishes expressed in this regard in accordance with the Civil Code; and
2°  send to such an organization, if the consent has been given, any necessary medical information concerning the potential donor and the organs or tissues that may be removed.
The director of professional services is informed of the imminent or recent death of a potential organ or tissue donor in accordance with the procedure established by the institution.
1993, c. 14, s. 1; 2010, c. 38, s. 3.
204.1. The director of professional services of an institution operating a general and specialized hospital shall, when a person whose death is imminent is a potential donor and, in accordance with the Civil Code, consent to the removal of organs or tissue from his body has been given, transmit with diligence to the agency or the person designated by the Minister all necessary medical information concerning the donor and the organs or tissue which could be removed.
The director of professional services shall be informed of such situations in accordance with the procedure established by the institution.
1993, c. 14, s. 1.