S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
2. In order to permit these objectives to be achieved, this Act establishes an organizational structure of human, material and financial resources designed
1°  to ensure the participation of individuals and groups of individuals in the selection of orientations and in the setting up, improvement, development and management of services;
2°  to foster the participation, in the various sectors of activity of the community, of all intervening parties whose action may have an influence on health and welfare;
3°  to apportion responsibilities among public bodies, community organizations and other parties working in the field of health and social services;
4°  to ensure that services are accessible on a continuous basis to respond to the physical, mental and social needs of individuals, families and groups;
5°  to take account of the distinctive geographical, linguistic, sociocultural, ethnocultural and socioeconomic characteristics of each region;
6°  to foster, to the extent allowed by the resources, access to health services and social services through adapted means of communication for persons with functional limitations;
7°  to foster, to the extent allowed by the resources, access to health services and social services in their own languages for members of the various cultural communities of Québec;
8°  to foster effective and efficient provision of health services and social services and respect for the rights of the users of such services;
8.1°  to ensure users the safe provision of health services and social services;
9°  to ensure participation of human resources of institutions referred to in Title I of Part II in the selection of orientations and the determination of priorities;
10°  to promote research and education so as to respond more adequately to the needs of the population.
1991, c. 42, s. 2; 2002, c. 71, s. 1.
2. In order to permit these objectives to be achieved, this Act establishes an organizational structure of human, material and financial resources designed
1°  to ensure the participation of individuals and groups of individuals in the selection of orientations and in the setting up, improvement, development and management of services;
2°  to foster the participation, in the various sectors of activity of the community, of all intervening parties whose action may have an influence on health and welfare;
3°  to apportion responsibilities among public bodies, community organizations and other parties working in the field of health and social services;
4°  to ensure that services are accessible on a continuous basis to respond to the physical, mental and social needs of individuals, families and groups;
5°  to take account of the distinctive geographical, linguistic, sociocultural, ethnocultural and socioeconomic characteristics of each region;
6°  to foster, to the extent allowed by the resources, access to health services and social services through adapted means of communication for persons with functional limitations;
7°  to foster, to the extent allowed by the resources, access to health services and social services in their own languages for members of the various cultural communities of Québec;
8°  to foster effective and efficient provision of health services and social services and respect for the rights of the users of such services;
9°  to ensure participation of human resources of institutions referred to in Title I of Part II in the selection of orientations and the determination of priorities;
10°  to promote research and education so as to respond more adequately to the needs of the population.
1991, c. 42, s. 2.