S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
182.7. Every institution must prepare an annual management report.
The report must include
1°  a presentation of the results obtained measured against the objectives set out in the strategic plan and in the management and accountability agreement entered into with the agency;
2°  a statement by the executive director of the institution concerning the reliability of the data and of the monitoring mechanisms;
3°  any other particular or information determined by the Minister.
The annual management report of the institution shall be transmitted to the agency.
2001, c. 24, s. 35; 2005, c. 32, s. 227; 2011, c. 15, s. 40.
182.7. Every institution must prepare an annual management report.
The report must include
1°  a presentation of the results obtained, measured against the objectives fixed in the management and accountability agreement;
2°  a statement by the executive director of the institution concerning the reliability of the data and of the monitoring mechanisms;
3°  any other particular or information determined by the Minister.
The annual management report of the institution shall be transmitted to the agency, which shall communicate it to the Minister.
2001, c. 24, s. 35; 2005, c. 32, s. 227.
182.7. Every institution must prepare an annual management report.
The report must include
1°  a presentation of the results obtained, measured against the objectives fixed in the management and accountability agreement ;
2°  a statement by the executive director of the institution concerning the reliability of the data and of the monitoring mechanisms ;
3°  any other particular or information determined by the Minister.
The annual management report of the institution shall be transmitted to the regional board, which shall communicate it to the Minister.
2001, c. 24, s. 35.