S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
182.0.2. In accordance with province-wide and regional orientations and recognized standards of accessibility, integration, quality, effectiveness and efficiency, and taking into account available resources, the institution is responsible for preparing a multi-year strategic plan containing the following elements:
1°  a description of the mission of the institution;
2°  a statement of the social and health needs of the clientele served or the local population, based on an understanding of the health and well-being of that clientele or population;
3°  a description of the context in which the institution acts and the main challenges it faces;
4°  the directions and objectives to be pursued with respect to, among other things, the accessibility, continuity, quality and safety of care and services with a view to improving the health and well-being of the population;
5°  the results targeted over the period covered by the plan; and
6°  the performance indicators to be used in measuring results.
The strategic plan must also take into account the priorities established in the clinical and organizational projects with which the institution is associated.
2011, c. 15, s. 37.