S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
179. Where the institution is a legal person referred to in paragraph 1 of section 98, the board of directors must see to it that the members of the legal person adopt a by-law to determine the conditions of admission of their members, their rights and obligations and the criteria or conditions relating to their resignation, suspension or exclusion.
If the members of the legal person fail to do so, the board of directors shall act in their stead.
An amendment to the by-law must, to become effective, be submitted to the board of directors for approval.
1991, c. 42, s. 179; 1996, c. 36, s. 51.
179. Where the institution is a corporation referred to in paragraph 1 of section 98, the board of directors must see to it that the members of the corporation adopt a by-law to determine the conditions of admission of their members, their rights and obligations and the criteria or conditions relating to their resignation, suspension or exclusion.
If the members of the corporation fail to do so, the board of directors shall act in their stead.
An amendment to the by-law must, to become effective, be submitted to the board of directors for approval.
1991, c. 42, s. 179.