S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
133.1. (Repealed).
2001, c. 24, s. 22; 2005, c. 32, s. 75; 2011, c. 15, s. 13.
133.1. The composition of the board of directors of an institution, other than an institution referred to in the second paragraph of section 126, which operates a centre designated as a university institute or an affiliated university centre shall continue to be governed by the relevant provisions of sections 129 to 131.
Such a board of directors shall also include
1°  where the institution operates a centre designated as a university institute, two persons designated by the universities with which the institution is affiliated ; those persons must be from faculties or schools in the fields concerned by the mission of the centre operated by the institution and designated as a university institute;
2°  where the institution operates a centre designated as an affiliated university centre, one person designated by the universities with which the institution is affiliated ; that person must be from a faculty or school in the field concerned by the mission of the centre operated by the institution and designated as an affiliated university centre;
3°  a person designated by the Minister.
In addition, those persons shall participate in the cooptation provided for in paragraph 10 of section 129 or paragraph 9 of section 130 or 131, as the case may be.
2001, c. 24, s. 22; 2005, c. 32, s. 75.
133.1. The composition of the board of directors of an institution, other than an institution referred to in the third paragraph of section 126, which operates a centre designated as a university institute or an affiliated university centre shall continue to be governed by the relevant provisions of sections 129 to 132.
Such a board of directors shall also include
1°  where the institution operates a centre designated as a university institute, two persons designated by the universities with which the institution is affiliated ; those persons must be from faculties or schools in the fields concerned by the mission of the centre operated by the institution and designated as a university institute ;
2°  where the institution operates a centre designated as an affiliated university centre, one person designated by the universities with which the institution is affiliated ; that person must be from a faculty or school in the field concerned by the mission of the centre operated by the institution and designated as an affiliated university centre.
In addition, those persons shall participate in the cooptation provided for in paragraph 9 of sections 129, 129.1 and 130, paragraph 10 of sections 131 and 131.1 or paragraph 11 of section 132, as the case may be.
2001, c. 24, s. 22.
133.1. In the case of an institution to which the Minister has assigned a supra-regional vocation pursuant to paragraph 1 of section 112, the board of directors shall also include two persons in addition to those referred to in paragraph 8 of section 129 or section 130, paragraph 6 of section 131 or paragraph 7 of any of sections 131.1 to 132.1, as the case may be. The two persons shall, however, be chosen from a list of names supplied by the regional boards concerned by the supra-regional vocation of the institution.
This section does not apply to an institution operating a hospital centre designated as a university hospital centre.
1996, c. 36, s. 11.