S-4.2 - Act respecting health services and social services

Texte complet
126. A board of directors shall be established to administer an institution which operates a hospital centre.
1991, c. 42, s. 126; 1992, c. 21, s. 70; 2001, c. 24, s. 5; 2005, c. 32, s. 62; 2011, c. 15, s. 5.
126. A board of directors shall be established to administer an institution which operates a hospital centre.
However, a specific board of directors shall be established to administer an institution which operates a general and specialized hospital centre designated as a university hospital centre, a university institute or an affiliated university centre.
1991, c. 42, s. 126; 1992, c. 21, s. 70; 2001, c. 24, s. 5; 2005, c. 32, s. 62.
126. A board of directors shall be established to administer an institution which operates a general and specialized hospital centre with less than 50 beds, a local community service centre or an institution designated as a health care centre.
The same applies to an institution which operates a general and specialized hospital centre with 50 beds or more or a psychiatric hospital centre and to an institution which operates both a residential and long-term care centre and a general and specialized hospital centre with 50 beds or more.
However, a specific board of directors shall be established to administer an institution which operates a general and specialized hospital centre designated as a university hospital centre, a university institute or an affiliated university centre.
1991, c. 42, s. 126; 1992, c. 21, s. 70; 2001, c. 24, s. 5.
126. A board of directors shall be established to administer an institution which operates a local community service centre or an institution designated as a health care centre.
The same applies to an institution which operates a hospital centre and to an institution which operates both a residential and long-term care centre and a general and specialized hospital centre with 50 beds or more.
1991, c. 42, s. 126; 1992, c. 21, s. 70.
126. A board of directors shall be established to administer an institution which operates a local community service centre or an institution designated as a health care centre.
The same applies to an institution which operates a hospital and to an institution which operates both a residential and long-term care centre and a general and specialized hospital with 50 beds or more.
1991, c. 42, s. 126.