P-40.1 - Consumer Protection Act

Texte complet
232. No merchant, manufacturer or advertiser may, by any means whatever, put greater emphasis, in an advertisement, on a premium than on the goods or services offered.
Premium means any goods, services, rebate or other benefit offered or given at the time of the sale of goods or the performance of a service, which may be granted or obtained immediately or in a deferred manner, from the merchant, manufacturer or advertiser, either gratuitously or on conditions explicitly or implicitly presented as advantageous.
1978, c. 9, s. 232; 1999, c. 40, s. 234.
232. No merchant, manufacturer or advertiser may, by any means whatever, put greater emphasis, in an advertisement, on a premium than on the goods or services offered.
Premium means any goods, services, rebate or other benefit offered or given at the time of the sale of goods or the lease of services, which may be granted or obtained immediately or in a deferred manner, from the merchant, manufacturer or advertiser, either gratuitously or on conditions explicitly or implicitly presented as advantageous.
1978, c. 9, s. 232.