P-40.1 - Consumer Protection Act

Texte complet
127. Until the consumer receives a statement of account at his address, the merchant shall not exact credit charges on the unpaid balance except on advances of money.
The statement of account may be sent to the consumer’s technological address if expressly authorized by the consumer. The consumer may at any time withdraw the authorization by notifying the merchant.
The statement of account is deemed to have been sent to the consumer’s technological address when
a)  the consumer has received at that address a notice to the effect that the statement of account is available on the merchant’s website;
b)  the statement of account is actually available on the website for the period determined by the regulation; and
c)  the consumer is able to retain a copy of the statement of account by printing it or otherwise.
1978, c. 9, s. 127; 2001, c. 32, s. 102; 2017, c. 24, s. 32.
127. Until the consumer receives a statement of account at his address, the merchant shall not exact credit charges on the unpaid balance except on advances of money.
Provided that the consumer has so requested expressly in writing, the address of the consumer includes, for the purposes of the first paragraph, the address where the consumer accepts the receipt of technology-based documents within the meaning of section 3 of the Act to establish a legal framework for information technology (chapter C-1.1).
1978, c. 9, s. 127; 2001, c. 32, s. 102.
127. Until the consumer receives a statement of account at his address, the merchant shall not exact credit charges on the unpaid balance except on advances of money.
1978, c. 9, s. 127.