P-32 - Public Protector Act

Texte complet
10.1. The Government may, by regulation, render the special measures provided in Chapter VII.1 of Title I of the Act respecting the Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan (chapter R‐10) and the regulations thereunder applicable, in whole or in part and adapted as required, to the pension plan of the Public Protector and the Deputy Public Protectors, for the purposes of partition and assignment of benefits between spouses.
The Government may also, for such purposes, include in the regulations special provisions for the establishment and assessment of benefits accrued under the pension plan of the Public Protector and the Deputy Public Protectors, and for the reduction of benefits under the plan by reason of payment of the sums awarded to the spouse.
1990, c. 5, s. 8; 2005, c. 32, s. 276.
10.1. The Government may, by regulation, render the special measures provided in Chapter VII.1 of Title I of the Act respecting the Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan (chapter R-10) and the regulations thereunder applicable, in whole or in part and adapted as required, to the pension plan of the Public Protector and his assistant, for the purposes of partition and assignment of benefits between spouses.
The Government may also, for such purposes, include in the regulations special provisions for the establishment and assessment of benefits accrued under the pension plan of the Public Protector and his assistant, and for the reduction of benefits under the plan by reason of payment of the sums awarded to the spouse.
1990, c. 5, s. 8.