N-3 - Notaries Act

Texte complet
53. A notary may not alter or change a notarial act after a party has signed it unless the party agrees to the alteration or change.
Nor may a notary destroy or alter a notarial act after it is closed, unless authorized by law. Should it be necessary to make changes to the act, the parties may do so only by means of another act.
Not in force
Any change, destruction or alteration must be done according to the procedure determined by regulation of the board of directors.
2000, c. 44, s. 53; 2023, c. 23, s. 46.
53. A notarial act must contain the signatures of the parties or their declaration that they are unable to sign, the signatures of the witnesses and the official signature of the notary or notaries.
The official signature of any notary, other than the officiating notary, before whom a party signs shall constitute a sufficient designation.
Where a party signs a notarial act in the presence of a notary other than the officiating notary, and the notary signs an attestation entered in the act pursuant to the second paragraph of section 50, the party is deemed for the purposes of the act to have appeared before the officiating notary.
2000, c. 44, s. 53.