N-3 - Notaries Act

Texte complet
26. In addition to property declared by law to be exempt from seizure, technological media and property related to a notary’s professional practice, such as notarial records, safes, filing cabinets, files, law books as well as trust accounting documents, where they belong to the notary or, as the case may be, to the partnership or non-profit legal person within which the notary practises, are also exempt from seizure.
However, subject to the conditions determined by regulation of the board of directors, technological media may be seized and sold to recover the balance owing on the price of such property, or seized and sold by a creditor holding a hypothec on such property.
2000, c. 44, s. 26; 2008, c. 11, s. 212; 2023, c. 23, s. 32.
Not in force
26. In addition to the property declared by law to be exempt from seizure, the notarial records, safes, filing cabinets and law books of notaries, their books, registers and accounting documents and any media requiring the use of information technologies related to their professional practice are not subject to seizure.
Moreover, the undivided shares of joint notarial records are not subject to seizure.
However, subject to the conditions determined by regulation of the board of directors, media requiring the use of information technology related to professional practice may be seized and sold to recover the balance owing on the price of such property or seized and sold by a creditor holding a hypothec on such property.
2000, c. 44, s. 26; 2008, c. 11, s. 212.