N-1.1 - Act respecting labour standards

Texte complet
62. For each statutory general holiday, the employer must pay the employee an indemnity equal to 1/20 of the wages earned during the four complete weeks of pay preceding the week of the holiday, excluding overtime. However, the indemnity paid to an employee remunerated in whole or in part on a commission basis must be equal to 1/60 of the wages earned during the 12 complete weeks of pay preceding the week of the holiday.
1979, c. 45, s. 62; 1990, c. 73, s. 20; 2002, c. 80, s. 20.
62. When a holiday coincides with a working day for an employee, the employer must pay him an indemnity equal to the average of his daily wages for the days worked during the complete period of pay preceding that holiday, excluding overtime.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, the indemnity paid to an employee remunerated mainly by commission must be equal to the average of his daily wages established from all the complete periods of pay in the three months preceding the holiday.
1979, c. 45, s. 62; 1990, c. 73, s. 20.
62. The employer shall pay to the employee remunerated on a time basis, on the basis of production or on any other basis an indemnity equal to the average of the daily wages for the two weeks preceding that holiday.
1979, c. 45, s. 62.