N-1.1 - Act respecting labour standards

Texte complet
54. The number of hours of the regular workweek determined in section 52 does not apply, as regards the computing of overtime hours for the purpose of the increase in the usual hourly wage, to the following employees:
1°  (subparagraph repealed);
2°  a student employed in a vacation camp or in a social or community non-profit organization such as a recreational organization;
3°  the managerial personnel of an undertaking;
4°  an employee who works outside an establishment whose working-hours cannot be controlled;
5°  an employee assigned to canning, packaging and freezing fruit and vegetables during the harvesting period;
6°  an employee of a fishing, fish processing or fish canning industry;
7°  a farm worker;
8°  (subparagraph repealed);
9°  an employee whose exclusive duty is to take care of or provide care to a child or to a sick, handicapped or aged person, in that person’s dwelling, including, where so required, the performance of domestic duties that are directly related to the immediate needs of that person, unless the work serves to procure profit to the employer.
However, the Government may, by regulation, prescribe the number of hours it determines as the regular workweek for the categories of employees mentioned in subparagraphs 2, 5 to 7 and 9 of the first paragraph.
1979, c. 45, s. 54; 1986, c. 95, s. 202; 1990, c. 73, s. 16, s. 66; 1999, c. 40, s. 196; 2002, c. 6, s. 236; 2002, c. 80, s. 14.
54. The number of hours of the regular workweek determined in section 52 does not apply, as regards the computing of overtime hours for the purpose of the increase in the usual hourly wage, to the following employees:
1°  (subparagraph repealed);
2°  a student employed in a vacation camp or in a social or community non-profit organization such as a recreational organization;
3°  the managerial personnel of an undertaking;
4°  an employee who works outside an establishment whose working-hours cannot be controlled;
5°  an employee assigned to canning, packaging and freezing fruit and vegetables during the harvesting period;
6°  an employee of a fishing, fish processing or fish canning industry;
7°  a farm worker;
8°  (subparagraph repealed);
In force: 2004-06-01
9°  an employee whose exclusive duty is to take care of or provide care to a child or to a sick, handicapped or aged person, in that person’s dwelling, including, where so required, the performance of domestic duties that are directly related to the immediate needs of that person, unless the work serves to procure profit to the employer.
However, the Government may, by regulation, prescribe the number of hours it determines as the regular workweek for the categories of employees mentioned in subparagraphs 2, 5 to 7 and 9 of the first paragraph.
1979, c. 45, s. 54; 1986, c. 95, s. 202; 1990, c. 73, s. 16, s. 66; 1999, c. 40, s. 196; 2002, c. 6, s. 236; 2002, c. 80, s. 14.
54. The number of hours of the regular workweek determined in section 52 does not apply to the following employees:
1°  (paragraph repealed);
2°  a student employed in a vacation camp or in a social or community non-profit organization such as a recreational organization;
3°  the managerial personnel of an undertaking;
4°  an employee who works outside an establishment whose working-hours cannot be controlled;
5°  an employee assigned to harvesting, canning, packaging and freezing fruit and vegetables during the harvesting period;
6°  an employee of a fishing, fish processing or fish canning industry;
7°  a farm worker;
8°  an employee hired to work on a farm operated
a)  by a natural person, alone or with his spouse or a descendant or ascendant of either, with the habitual assistance of not more than three employees;
b)  by a legal person as its principal activity, with the habitual assistance of not more than three employees in addition to the three principal shareholders of the legal person if they work there;
c)  by a partnership or by natural persons acting as co-owners, with the habitual assistance of not more than three employees.
However, the Government may, by regulation, prescribe the number of hours it determines as the regular workweek for the categories of employees mentioned in subparagraphs 2 and 5 to 8 of the first paragraph.
1979, c. 45, s. 54; 1986, c. 95, s. 202; 1990, c. 73, s. 16, s. 66; 1999, c. 40, s. 196; 2002, c. 6, s. 236.
54. The number of hours of the regular workweek determined in section 52 does not apply to the following employees:
1°  (paragraph repealed);
2°  a student employed in a vacation camp or in a social or community non-profit organization such as a recreational organization;
3°  the managerial personnel of an undertaking;
4°  an employee who works outside an establishment whose working-hours cannot be controlled;
5°  an employee assigned to harvesting, canning, packaging and freezing fruit and vegetables during the harvesting period;
6°  an employee of a fishing, fish processing or fish canning industry;
7°  a farm worker;
8°  an employee hired to work on a farm operated
a)  by a natural person, alone or with his consort or a descendant or ascendant of either, with the habitual assistance of not more than three employees;
b)  by a legal person as its principal activity, with the habitual assistance of not more than three employees in addition to the three principal shareholders of the legal person if they work there;
c)  by a partnership or by natural persons acting as co-owners, with the habitual assistance of not more than three employees.
However, the Government may, by regulation, prescribe the number of hours it determines as the regular workweek for the categories of employees mentioned in subparagraphs 2 and 5 to 8 of the first paragraph.
1979, c. 45, s. 54; 1986, c. 95, s. 202; 1990, c. 73, s. 16, s. 66; 1999, c. 40, s. 196.
54. The number of hours of the regular workweek determined in section 52 does not apply to the following employees:
1°  (paragraph repealed);
2°  a student employed in a vacation camp or in a social or community non-profit organization such as a recreational organization;
3°  the managerial personnel of an undertaking;
4°  an employee who works outside an establishment whose working-hours cannot be controlled;
5°  an employee assigned to harvesting, canning, packaging and freezing fruit and vegetables during the harvesting period;
6°  an employee of a fishing, fish processing or fish canning industry;
7°  a farm worker;
In force: 1991-04-01
8°  an employee hired to work on a farm operated
a)  by a natural person, alone or with his consort or a descendant or ascendant of either, with the habitual assistance of not more than three employees;
b)  by a corporation as its principal activity, with the habitual assistance of not more than three employees in addition to the three principal shareholders of the corporation if they work there;
c)  by a partnership or by natural persons acting as co-owners, with the habitual assistance of not more than three employees.
In force: 1991-04-01
However, the Government may, by regulation, prescribe the number of hours it determines as the regular workweek for the categories of employees mentioned in subparagraphs 2 and 5 to 8 of the first paragraph.
1979, c. 45, s. 54; 1986, c. 95, s. 202; 1990, c. 73, s. 16, s. 66.
54. The number of hours of the regular workweek determined in section 52 does not apply to the following employees:
1°  (paragraph repealed);
2°  a student employed in a social or community non-profit organization such as a vacation camp or a recreational organization;
3°  an executive officer of an undertaking;
4°  an employee who works outside an establishment whose working-hours cannot be controlled;
5°  an employee assigned to harvesting, canning, packaging and freezing fruit and vegetables during the harvesting period;
6°  an employee of a fishing, fish processing or fish canning industry;
7°  a farm worker.
1979, c. 45, s. 54; 1986, c. 95, s. 202.
54. The number of hours of the regular workweek determined in section 52 does not apply to the following employees:
1°  the consort of the employer, his ascendants and descendants and the employer’s ascendants and descendants;
2°  a student employed in a social or community non-profit organization such as a vacation camp or a recreational organization;
3°  an executive officer of an undertaking;
4°  an employee who works outside an establishment whose working-hours cannot be controlled;
5°  an employee assigned to harvesting, canning, packaging and freezing fruit and vegetables during the harvesting period;
6°  an employee of a fishing, fish processing or fish canning industry;
7°  a farm worker.
1979, c. 45, s. 54.