CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec

Texte complet
96. If the date of death is proved to precede that fixed by the declaratory judgment of death, the dissolution of the matrimonial or civil union regime is retroactive to the true date of death and the succession is open from that date.
If the date of death is proved to follow that fixed by the declaratory judgment of death, the dissolution of the matrimonial or civil union regime is retroactive to the date fixed by the judgment but the succession is open only from the true date of death.
Relations between the apparent heirs and the true heirs are governed by those rules contained in the Book on Obligations which concern the restitution of prestations.
1991, c. 64, a. 96; 2002, c. 6, s. 8.
96. If the date of death is proved to precede that fixed by the declaratory judgment of death, the dissolution of the matrimonial regime is retroactive to the true date of death and the succession is open from that date.
If the date of death is proved to follow that fixed by the declaratory judgment of death, the dissolution of the matrimonial regime is retroactive to the date fixed by the judgment but the succession is open only from the true date of death.
Relations between the apparent heirs and the true heirs are governed by those rules contained in the Book on Obligations which concern the restitution of prestations.
1991, c. 64, a. 96.