CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec

Texte complet
93. A declaratory judgment of death states the name and sex of the person presumed dead and, if known, the place and date of the person’s birth and, if applicable, marriage or civil union, the name of the person’s spouse and father and mother or parents, as well as the person’s last domicile, and date, time and place of death.
A copy of the judgment is transmitted without delay to the chief coroner by the clerk of the court that rendered the decision.
1991, c. 64, a. 93; 2002, c. 6, s. 7; 2022, c. 22, s. 31.
93. A declaratory judgment of death states the name and sex of the person presumed dead and, if known, the place and date of his or her birth and, if applicable, marriage or civil union, the name of the spouse, the names of his or her father and mother as well as his or her last domicile, and the date, time and place of death.
A copy of the judgment is transmitted without delay to the chief coroner by the clerk of the court that rendered the decision.
1991, c. 64, a. 93; 2002, c. 6, s. 7.
93. A declaratory judgment of death states the name and sex of the person presumed dead and, if known, the place and date of his birth and marriage, the place of his last domicile, the names of his father, mother and spouse, and the date, time and place of his death.
A copy of the judgment is transmitted without delay to the chief coroner by the clerk of the court that rendered the decision.
1991, c. 64, a. 93.