CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec

Texte complet
611. Personal relations between the child and his grandparents may be maintained or developed to the extent that it is in the child’s interest and that, if the child is 10 years of age or over, he consents to it, unless he is unable to express his will. Such relations may, on the same conditions, be maintained with the former spouse of the child’s father, mother or parent, provided that person is important to the child. Those relations may be maintained or developed by any means appropriate to the situation and the persons are not required to be in the physical presence of each other. The terms governing such relations may be agreed on in writing between the child’s father, mother or parent as tutor, the child’s tutor, if applicable, or the child 14 years of age or over, and the child’s grandparents or the former spouse of his father, mother or parent, as the case may be.
If a child 10 years of age or over, but under 14 years of age, does not give his consent or if there is a disagreement between the parties, maintenance or development of those relations is determined by the court.
In all cases, the consent of a child 14 years of age or over is required for such relations to be maintained or developed and the child may, from that age, put an end to them without further formality, whether or not an order has been issued by the court.
1991, c. 64, a. 611; 2022, c. 22, s. 113.
611. In no case may the father or mother, without a grave reason, interfere with personal relations between the child and his grandparents.
Failing agreement between the parties, the terms and conditions of these relations are decided by the court.
1991, c. 64, a. 611.