CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec

Texte complet
606. The court may, for a grave reason and in the interest of the child, including the presence of family violence, which includes spousal violence, or sexual violence, on the application of any interested person, declare the father and mother or the parents either of them, or a third person on whom parental authority may have been conferred, to be deprived of such authority.
The deprivation of parental authority is, however, declared with regard to a person where a judgment that has become final finds the person guilty of a criminal offence of a sexual nature involving a child or finds the person liable for injury resulting from an act which could constitute such an offence, unless it is shown that such a measure would be contrary to the interest of that person’s child.
Where such a measure is not required by the situation but action is nevertheless necessary, the court may declare, instead, the withdrawal of an attribute of parental authority or of its exercise. A direct application for withdrawal may also be made to the court.
1991, c. 64, a. 606; I.N. 2014-05-01; 2016, c. 4, s. 87; 2022, c. 22, s. 111; 2023, c. 13, s. 27.
606. The court may, for a grave reason and in the interest of the child, including the presence of family violence, which includes spousal violence, on the application of any interested person, declare the father and mother or the parents either of them, or a third person on whom parental authority may have been conferred, to be deprived of such authority.
Where such a measure is not required by the situation but action is nevertheless necessary, the court may declare, instead, the withdrawal of an attribute of parental authority or of its exercise. A direct application for withdrawal may also be made to the court.
1991, c. 64, a. 606; I.N. 2014-05-01; 2016, c. 4, s. 87; 2022, c. 22, s. 111.
606. The court may, for a grave reason and in the interest of the child, on the application of any interested person, declare the father, the mother or either of them, or a third person on whom parental authority may have been conferred, to be deprived of such authority.
Where such a measure is not required by the situation but action is nevertheless necessary, the court may declare, instead, the withdrawal of an attribute of parental authority or of its exercise. A direct application for withdrawal may also be made to the court.
1991, c. 64, a. 606; I.N. 2014-05-01; 2016, c. 4, s. 87.
606. The court may, for a grave reason and in the interest of the child, on the application of any interested person, declare the father, the mother or either of them, or a third person on whom parental authority may have been conferred, to be deprived of such authority.
Where such a measure is not required by the situation but action is nevertheless necessary, the court may declare, instead, the withdrawal of an attribute of parental authority or of its exercise. The court may also directly examine an application for withdrawal.
1991, c. 64, a. 606; I.N. 2014-05-01.
606. The court may, for a grave reason and in the interest of the child, on the application of any interested person, declare the father, the mother or either of them, or a third person on whom parental authority may have been conferred, to be deprived of such authority.
Where such a measure is not required by the situation but action is nevertheless necessary, the court may declare, instead, the withdrawal of an attribute of parental authority or of the exercise of such authority. The court may also directly examine an application for withdrawal.
1991, c. 64, a. 606.