CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec

Texte complet
587.2. The support to be provided by a parent for his child is equal to that parent’s share of the basic parental contribution, increased, where applicable, having regard to specified expenses relating to the child.
The court may, however, increase or reduce the level of support where warranted by the value of either parent’s assets or the extent of the resources available to the child, or to take account of either parent’s obligation to provide support to children not named in the application, if the court considers the obligation entails hardship for that parent.
The court may also increase or reduce the level of support if it is of the opinion that, in the special circumstances of the case, not doing so would entail undue hardship for either parent. Such hardship may be due, among other reasons, to the costs involved in exercising visiting rights in relation to the child, an obligation to provide support to persons other than children or debts reasonably incurred to meet family needs.
1996, c. 68, s. 1; 2004, c. 5, s. 3; I.N. 2014-05-01; 2016, c. 4, s. 84.
587.2. The support to be provided by a parent for his child is equal to that parent’s share of the basic parental contribution, increased, where applicable, having regard to specified expenses relating to the child.
The court may, however, increase or reduce the level of support where warranted by the value of either parent’s assets or the extent of the resources available to the child, or to take account of either parent’s obligation to provide support to children not named in the application, if the court considers the obligation entails hardship for that parent.
The court may also increase or reduce the level of support if it is of the opinion that, in the special circumstances of the case, not doing so would entail undue hardship for either parent. Such hardship may be due, among other reasons, to the costs involved in exercising visiting rights in relation to the child, an obligation to provide support to persons other than children or reasonable debts incurred to meet family needs.
1996, c. 68, s. 1; 2004, c. 5, s. 3; I.N. 2014-05-01.
587.2. The support to be provided by a parent for his child is equal to that parent’s share of the basic parental contribution, increased, where applicable, having regard to specified expenses relating to the child.
The court may, however, increase or reduce the level of support where warranted by the value of either parent’s assets or the extent of the resources available to the child, or to take account of either parent’s obligation to provide support to children not named in the application, if the court considers the obligation entails hardship for that parent.
The court may also increase or reduce the level of support if it is of the opinion that, in the special circumstances of the case, not doing so would entail undue hardship for either parent. Such hardship may be due, among other reasons, to the costs involved in exercising visiting rights in respect of the child, an obligation to provide support to persons other than children or reasonable debts incurred to meet family needs.
1996, c. 68, s. 1; 2004, c. 5, s. 3.
587.2. The support to be provided by a parent for his child is equal to that parent’s share of the basic parental contribution, increased, where applicable, having regard to specified expenses relating to the child.
The court may, however, increase or reduce the level of support if it is of the opinion that, in the special circumstances of the case, not doing so would entail undue hardship for one of the parents. Such hardship may be caused by, among other things, the costs involved in exercising visiting rights in respect of the child, obligations of support toward persons other than the child or reasonable debts incurred to meet family needs. The court may also increase or reduce the level of support if it is warranted by the value of either parent’s assets or the extent of the resources available to the child.
1996, c. 68, s. 1.