CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec

Texte complet
579. In the case of an adoption of a child domiciled in Québec by a person also domiciled in Québec, exchanges of information concerning the adoptee and members of his family of origin may be provided for, or personal relations between those persons may be maintained or developed, to the extent that establishing such exchanges or maintaining or developing such relations is in the interest of the adoptee. If the adoptee is 10 years of age or over, his consent must be obtained, unless he is unable to express his will. Those exchanges may take place and those relations may be maintained or developed by any means appropriate to the situation and the persons are not required to be in the physical presence of each other. The terms for the exchanges or relations shall be agreed on in writing between the adopter, as the adoptee’s tutor, or the adoptee 14 years of age or over and the members concerned of the family of origin.
Where an adoptee 10 years of age or over, but under 14 years of age, does not consent to exchanging information or to maintaining or developing relations with a parent or grandparent of origin, or if there is a disagreement between the parties in that respect, the exchanges or the maintenance or development of the relations are determined by the court, to the extent that they are in the interest of the adoptee and that they concern persons who are important to him.
In all cases, the consent of the adoptee 14 years of age or over is required to provide for such exchanges or for the maintenance or development of such relations and the adoptee may, from that age, put an end to such exchanges or relations without formality, whether or not an order has been issued by the court.
1991, c. 64, a. 579; 2002, c. 6, s. 35; 2017, c. 12, s. 32; 2022, c. 22, s. 92.
579. The adopter and members of the family of origin may enter into an agreement in writing to facilitate the exchange of information or to facilitate interpersonal relationships.
The agreement may only be entered into in the interest of the child. If the child is 10 years of age or over, the child must consent to it and may put an end to it at any time, unless he is unable to express his will.
1991, c. 64, a. 579; 2002, c. 6, s. 35; 2017, c. 12, s. 32.
579. When adoption is granted, the effects of the preceding filiation cease; the tutor, if any, loses his or her rights and is discharged from his or her duties regarding the adopted person, save the obligation to render account.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a person’s adoption of a child of his or her spouse does not dissolve the bond of filiation between the child and that parent.
1991, c. 64, a. 579; 2002, c. 6, s. 35.
579. When adoption is granted, the effects of the preceding filiation cease; the tutor, if any, loses his rights and is discharged from his duties regarding the adopted person, save the obligation to render account.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a person’s adoption of a child of his or her spouse or concubinary does not dissolve the bond of filiation between the child and that parent.
1991, c. 64, a. 579.