CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec

Texte complet
268. The court institutes tutorship if it is established that the person of full age is incapable of caring for himself or of administering his property, and needs to be represented in the exercise of his civil rights.
The court then appoints a tutor to the person and to property, or a tutor either to the person or to property. It may also appoint a replacement tutor.
The court is not bound by the application. It may establish a tutorship the nature, terms and conditions of which are different from those applied for or authorize temporary representation of the incapable person of full age.
1991, c. 64, a. 268; I.N. 2014-05-01; 2020, c. 11, s. 31.
268. Protective supervision is instituted by the court.
The court is not bound by the application and may decide on a form of protective supervision other than the form contemplated by the application.
1991, c. 64, a. 268; I.N. 2014-05-01.
268. The institution of protective supervision is awarded by the court.
The court is not bound by the application and may decide on a form of protective supervision other than the form contemplated in the application.
1991, c. 64, a. 268.