CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec

Texte complet
140. Every act of civil status or juridical act made outside Québec and drawn up in a language other than French shall be accompanied by a translation authenticated in Québec.
The same applies to Aboriginal customary adoption certificates and to acts recognizing such adoptions drawn up in a language other than French or English.
1991, c. 64, a. 140; 2017, c. 12, s. 5; 2022, c. 14, s. 126.
140. Every act of civil status or juridical act made outside Québec and drawn up in a language other than French or English shall be accompanied by a translation authenticated in Québec.
The same applies to Aboriginal customary adoption certificates and to acts recognizing such adoptions drawn up in a language other than French or English.
1991, c. 64, a. 140; 2017, c. 12, s. 5.
140. Every act of civil status or juridical act made outside Québec and drawn up in a language other than French or English shall be accompanied by a translation authenticated in Québec.
1991, c. 64, a. 140.