CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec

Texte complet
130. Where a birth, marriage, civil union or death having occurred in Québec is not attested or declared or is attested or declared inaccurately or late, the registrar of civil status makes a summary investigation, draws up the act of civil status on the basis of the information he obtains and inserts the act in the register of civil status.
Where a tardy declaration is made which adds to an earlier one without contradicting it, the registrar of civil status may, with the consent of the author of the earlier declaration, alter the act of civil status accordingly. However, in the case of a declaration of filiation, alteration of the act of civil status is conditional upon the consent of the child if he is 14 years of age or over and upon the absence of a bond of filiation established in favour of another person by the acknowledgement of a bond of filiation in the declaration of birth, uninterrupted possession of status or a legal presumption; it is also conditional upon the absence of any objection from a third person within 20 days of the publication of a notice in accordance with the rules determined by government regulation.
1991, c. 64, a. 130; 1999, c. 47, s. 8; 2002, c. 6, s. 17; 2023, c. 13, s. 5.
130. Where a birth, marriage, civil union or death having occurred in Québec is not attested or declared or is attested or declared inaccurately or late, the registrar of civil status makes a summary investigation, draws up the act of civil status on the basis of the information he obtains and inserts the act in the register of civil status.
Where a tardy declaration is made which adds to an earlier one without contradicting it, the registrar of civil status may, with the consent of the author of the earlier declaration, alter the act of civil status accordingly. However, in the case of a declaration of filiation, alteration of the act of civil status is conditional upon the consent of the child if he is 14 years of age or over and upon the absence of a bond of filiation established in favour of another person by an act, uninterrupted possession of status or a legal presumption; it is also conditional upon the absence of any objection from a third person within 20 days of the publication of a notice in accordance with the rules determined by government regulation.
1991, c. 64, a. 130; 1999, c. 47, s. 8; 2002, c. 6, s. 17.
130. Where a birth, marriage or death having occurred in Québec is not attested or declared or is attested or declared inaccurately or late, the registrar of civil status makes a summary investigation, draws up the act of civil status on the basis of the information he obtains and inserts the act in the register of civil status.
Where a tardy declaration is made which adds to an earlier one without contradicting it, the registrar of civil status may, with the consent of the author of the earlier declaration, alter the act of civil status accordingly. However, in the case of a declaration of filiation, alteration of the act of civil status is conditional upon the consent of the child if he is 14 years of age or over and upon the absence of maternity or paternity established in favour of another person by an act, uninterrupted possession of status or a legal presumption; it is also conditional upon the absence of any objection from a third person within 20 days of the publication of a notice in accordance with the rules determined by government regulation.
1991, c. 64, a. 130; 1999, c. 47, s. 8.
130. Where a birth, marriage or death having occurred in Québec is not attested or declared or is attested or declared inaccurately or late, the registrar of civil status makes a summary investigation, draws up the act of civil status on the basis of the information he obtains and inserts the act in the register of civil status.
1991, c. 64, a. 130.