C-72.01 - Act respecting municipal courts

Texte complet
55. The court shall sit at its chief-place. In the case of a common municipal court, the court may also, in respect of matters relating to the territory of one or two or more municipalities situated in a territory other than that in which the chief-place is situated, sit in the territory of one of those municipalities. In such a case, the municipalities must determine, in the agreement concerning the court, the place where the court will sit for matters relating to their respective territories.
Where the size of the territory of the municipality served by a municipal court so warrants, the municipal court may, in addition, sit at any other place in the territory that is indicated in the by-law or agreement establishing the court approved by the Government.
1989, c. 52, s. 55; 1993, c. 62, s. 6; 1996, c. 2, s. 614; 1998, c. 30, s. 17; 2002, c. 21, s. 23.
55. The court shall sit at its chief-place. In the case of a common municipal court, the court may also, in respect of matters relating to the territory of one or two or more municipalities situated in a territory other than that in which the chief-place is situated, sit in the territory of one of those municipalities. In such a case, the municipalities must determine, in the agreement concerning the court, the place where the court will sit for matters relating to their respective territories.
1989, c. 52, s. 55; 1993, c. 62, s. 6; 1996, c. 2, s. 614; 1998, c. 30, s. 17.
55. The court shall sit at its chief-place. In the case of a common municipal court, the court shall also sit, in respect of matters relating to the territory of another municipality than that in whose territory its chief-place is situated, in the territory of that other municipality unless the Minister of Justice expressly exempts it by order or unless the building housing the council room of that other municipality is situated less than 50 kilometres from the building in which the court holds its sittings in its chief-place.
The municipalities whose buildings housing their council rooms are situated less than 50 kilometres from one other, and each of which is situated 50 kilometres or more from the building in which the court holds its sittings in its chief-place, may agree, in the agreement to establish the court, on a common place where the court will be required to sit in respect of matters relating to their territories.
1989, c. 52, s. 55; 1993, c. 62, s. 6; 1996, c. 2, s. 614.
55. The court shall sit at its chief-place. In the case of a common municipal court, the court shall also sit, in respect of matters relating to the territory of another municipality than that in which its chief-place is situated, in that territory unless the Minister of Justice expressly exempts it by order or unless the building housing the council room of that other municipality is situated less than 50 kilometres from the building in which the court holds its sittings in its chief-place.
The municipalities whose buildings housing their council rooms are situated less than 50 kilometres from one other, and each of which is situated 50 kilometres or more from the building in which the court holds its sittings in its chief-place, may agree, in the agreement to establish the court, on a common place where the court will be required to sit in respect of matters relating to their territories.
1989, c. 52, s. 55; 1993, c. 62, s. 6.
55. The court shall sit at its chief-place. In the case of a common municipal court, the court shall also sit, in respect of matters relating to the territory of another municipality than that in which its chief-place is situated, in that territory unless the Minister of Justice expressly exempts it by order or unless the building housing the council room of that other municipality is situated at least 50 kilometres from the building in which the court holds its sittings in its chief-place.
The municipalities whose buildings housing their council rooms are situated at least 50 kilometres from one other, and each of which is situated 50 kilometres or more from the building in which the court holds its sittings in its chief-place, may agree, in the agreement to establish the court, on a common place where the court will be required to sit in respect of matters relating to their territories.
1989, c. 52, s. 55.