C-72.01 - Act respecting municipal courts

Texte complet
45. A municipal judge, in addition to complying with the standards of conduct and fulfilling the duties imposed by the code of ethics adopted pursuant to section 261 of the Courts of Justice Act (chapter T-16), shall observe the following rules:
1°  He shall not, even indirectly, enter into a contract with a municipality within the territory in which the municipal court has jurisdiction, except in the cases provided for in section 305 of the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities (chapter E-2.2), adapted as required, nor shall he advise any person negotiating such a contract;
2°  He shall not, even indirectly, agree to represent or act against a municipality or a member of the municipal council, an employee other than an employee within the meaning of the Labour Code (chapter C-27) or a police officer of a municipality within the territory in which the municipal court has jurisdiction;
3°  He shall not hear a case pertaining to a contract described in paragraph 1 to which an advocate with whom he practises as an advocate is a party or a case in which such an advocate is representing or acting against a municipality or person contemplated in paragraph 2;
4°  He shall not hear a case involving a question similar to one involved in another case in which he represents one of the parties;
5°  He shall, with respect to every case referred to him, make and file in the record a declaration stating not only the grounds of recusation to which he is aware he is liable and which are set out in article 202 of the Code of Civil Procedure (chapter C-25.01), but also any grounds indirectly connected with him and arising either from the fact that he is representing one of the parties or from the activities of a person with whom he practises as an advocate.
1989, c. 52, s. 45; I.N. 2016-01-01 (NCCP).
45. A municipal judge, in addition to complying with the standards of conduct and fulfilling the duties imposed by the code of ethics adopted pursuant to section 261 of the Courts of Justice Act (chapter T-16), shall observe the following rules:
1°  He shall not, even indirectly, enter into a contract with a municipality within the territory in which the municipal court has jurisdiction, except in the cases provided for in section 305 of the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities (chapter E-2.2), adapted as required, nor shall he advise any person negotiating such a contract;
2°  He shall not, even indirectly, agree to represent or act against a municipality or a member of the municipal council, an employee other than an employee within the meaning of the Labour Code (chapter C-27) or a police officer of a municipality within the territory in which the municipal court has jurisdiction;
3°  He shall not hear a case pertaining to a contract described in paragraph 1 to which an advocate with whom he practises as an advocate is a party or a case in which such an advocate is representing or acting against a municipality or person contemplated in paragraph 2;
4°  He shall not hear a case involving a question similar to one involved in another case in which he represents one of the parties;
5°  He shall, with respect to every case referred to him, make and file in the record a declaration stating not only the grounds of recusation to which he is aware he is liable and which are set out in article 234 of the Code of Civil Procedure (chapter C-25), but also any grounds indirectly connected with him and arising either from the fact that he is representing one of the parties or from the activities of a person with whom he practises as an advocate.
1989, c. 52, s. 45.