C-72.01 - Act respecting municipal courts

Texte complet
25. Each municipal court is composed of at least one judge. The Government may appoint several judges to the same court where that is necessary for the proper functioning of the court.
Where the court is composed of several judges, the Government shall designate among them the one who shall be responsible for the court.
However, in courts where judges exercise their functions exclusively and on a full-time basis, the Government shall appoint a president judge from among the judges where it considers that the volume of judicial activity so warrants.
The Government may, in addition, where circumstances so warrant, appoint an associate president judge from among the judges of the court to assist the president judge in the exercise of his or her functions.
1989, c. 52, s. 25; 2002, c. 21, s. 5.
25. Each municipal court is composed of at least one judge. The Government may appoint several judges to the same court where that is necessary for the proper functioning of the court.
Where the court is composed of several judges, the Government shall designate among them the one who shall be responsible for the court.
1989, c. 52, s. 25.