C-12 - Charter of human rights and freedoms

Texte complet
131. Every person who fails to comply with a decision of the Tribunal which has been duly notified to him and which does not require to be homologated in Superior Court is guilty of contempt of court and may be condemned, with or without imprisonment for not over one year, and without prejudice to any suit for damages, to a fine not exceeding $50,000.
Every person who contravenes a ban or restriction on disclosure, publication or release imposed by a decision of the Tribunal rendered under section 121 is liable to the same sanction, except that the amount of the fine shall not exceed $5,000.
1989, c. 51, s. 16; I.N. 2016-01-01 (NCCP).
131. Every person who fails to comply with a decision of the Tribunal which has been duly served on him and which does not require to be homologated in Superior Court is guilty of contempt of court and may be condemned, with or without imprisonment for not over one year, and without prejudice to any suit for damages, to a fine not exceeding $50,000.
Every person who contravenes a ban or restriction on disclosure, publication or release imposed by a decision of the Tribunal rendered under section 121 is liable to the same sanction, except that the amount of the fine shall not exceed $5,000.
1989, c. 51, s. 16.