C-61.1, r. 89 - Regulation respecting the Chapais Controlled Zone

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter C-61.1, r. 89
Regulation respecting the Chapais Controlled Zone
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
(chapter C-61.1, s. 104).
1. A territory situated in the regional county municipalities of Kamouraska and L’Islet, in the townships of Chapais, Ixworth and Lafontaine, and in the cadastre of the parish of Saint-Onésime, having an area of three hundred and eighty-eight square kilometres (388 km2) and whose perimeter may be described as follows:
Starting from a point situated on the Québec–United States border and the dividing line between the townships of Chapais and Dionne; thence northwesterly, along the southwestern boundary of the township of Chapais to the dividing line between Ranges III and IV of the township of Lafontaine; thence southwesterly, along the dividing line between Ranges III and IV of the said township to the dividing line between lots 49 and 50 of Range III; thence northwesterly, along the dividing line between lots 49 and 50 of Ranges III and II of the township of Lafontaine; thence northeasterly, along the dividing line between Ranges II and I of the said township to a point situated on the dividing line between the townships of Lafontaine and Chapais; thence northwesterly, along the southwestern boundary of the townships of Chapais and Ixworth and the cadastre of the parish of Saint-Onésime to a point situated on the dividing line between Ranges VIII and IX of the cadastre of the parish of Saint-Onésime; thence northeasterly, along the dividing line between Ranges VIII and IX of the cadastre of the parish of Saint-Onésime to the dividing line between lots 444 and 445; thence northwesterly, along the dividing line between the said lots; thence northeasterly, along the dividing line between Ranges VII and VIII to the division line of the township of Ixworth; thence northwesterly, along the southwestern boundary of the said township to a point situated on the southeastern boundary of lot 13a; thence northeasterly, along the dividing line between Ranges VII and VIII to a point situated on the dividing line between lots 13 and 14a of Range VIII of the township of Ixworth; thence southeasterly, along the dividing line between the said lots to the dividing line between Ranges VIII and IX; thence northeasterly, along the dividing line between the said ranges to the dividing line between lots 17f and 18a of a Range VIII; thence northwesterly, along the dividing line between the said lots to the dividing line between Ranges VII and VIII; thence northeasterly, along the dividing line between the said ranges to the dividing line between lots 21 and 22a of Range VIII; thence southeasterly, along the dividing line between the said lots to the dividing line between Ranges VIII and IX; thence northeasterly, along the dividing line between the said ranges to the dividing line between lots 23 and 24a of Range IX; thence southeasterly, along the dividing line between the said lots to the dividing line between Ranges IX and X; thence northeasterly, along the dividing line between the said ranges to the dividing line between lots 25 and 26a of Range X; thence southeasterly, along the dividing line between the said lots to the dividing line between Ranges X and XI; thence northeasterly, along the dividing line between the said ranges to the dividing line between lots 26e and 26f of Range X; thence northwesterly, along the dividing line between the said lots to the dividing line between Ranges IX and X; thence northeasterly, along the dividing line between the said ranges to a point situated on the dividing line between the township of Ixworth and the cadastre of the parish of Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel; thence southeasterly, along the northeastern boundary of the township of Ixworth to the dividing line between the townships of Ixworth and Chapais; thence southwesterly, along the dividing line between the said townships to the dividing line between lots 38 and 39 of Range I of the township of Chapais; thence southeasterly, along the dividing line between the said lots of Ranges I, II, III and its extension to the dividing line between Ranges V and VI; thence northeasterly, along the dividing line between Ranges V and VI to a point situated on the northeastern boundary of lot 53 of Range VI; thence southeasterly, along the northeastern boundary of the said lot; thence southwesterly, along the dividing line between Ranges VI and VII to the northeastern boundary of lot 48; thence southeasterly, along the northeastern boundary of lot 48 of Range VII; thence southwesterly, along the dividing line between Ranges VII and VIII to the northeastern boundary of lot 45 of Range VIII; thence southeasterly, along the northeastern boundary of lot 45 of Range VIII; thence southwesterly, along the dividing line between Ranges VIII and IX to the northeastern boundary of lot 42 of Range IX; thence southeasterly, along the northeastern boundary of lot 42 of Ranges IX, X, XI and XII to the Québec–United States border; thence southwesterly, along the Québec–United States border to the starting point.
Lot 8-1 of Range XII of the cadastre of the township of Ixworth has been withdrawn from the territory.
The whole as shown on a plan attached hereto.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 101, s. 1; O.C. 2481-85, s. 1.
Chapais Controlled Zone
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 101, Sch. A; O.C. 2481-85, s. 2.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 101
O.C. 2481-85, 1985 G.O. 2, 4316