36. In addition to the committees listed in section 34, the board must establish the following committees:(1) a user services quality committee with regard to shared transportation services, whose functions include formulating, submitting to the board and following up on policy directions concerning the quality of user services, including services for mobility impaired users, taking into account the respective characteristics of the local municipalities of the North Shore and South Shore;
(2) two committees on public bus transportation services and paratransit services for mobility impaired persons, one for the local municipalities of the North Shore and the other for those of the South Shore, whose functions include formulating recommendations to the board with regard to the provision of those services, including the transport plan, in the territory of the municipalities concerned.
Each committee established under subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph is composed exclusively of board members designated by the local municipalities of the North Shore or South Shore, as applicable.
2016, c. 82016, c. 8, s. 4.