M-13.1 - Mining Act

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99. The Minister shall make public the rehabilitation and restoration plan as submitted for approval under section 232.1 and register it in the public register of real and immovable mining rights for information and public consultation purposes as part of the environmental impact assessment and review procedure provided for by the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2).
1987, c. 64, s. 99; 2013, c. 32, s. 49; 2024, c. 36, s. 46.
99. (Repealed).
1987, c. 64, s. 99; 2013, c. 32, s. 49.
99. A licensee may, with the authorization of the Minister, abandon his right in respect of all or part of the territory subject to his licence, provided
(1)  he applies therefor in writing;
(2)  the residual area, in the case of partial abandonment, consists of one or several parcels of land forming a quadrilateral with an area of at least 2 square kilometres;
(3)  he has complied with the other provisions of this Act and the regulations.
Partial abandonment does not reduce the work the licensee is required to perform in the year of abandonment.
1987, c. 64, s. 99.