CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec

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583.12. In the case of an adoption of a child domiciled outside Québec, the identity of the parent of origin and the documents to which the adoptee is entitled are communicated to the adoptee, to the extent that the law of the child’s State of origin does not provide for different rules. Disclosure of the identity of the adoptee or of another person sought and of information making it possible to contact the adoptee, the parent of origin or another person sought is subject to the consent of that person, unless, as the case may be, the law of the child’s State of origin provides otherwise.
2017, c. 12, s. 35; 2022, c. 22, s. 102.
583.12. In the case of an adoption of a child domiciled outside Québec, disclosure of information relating to identity or to establishing contact is subject to the consent of the person sought or parent of origin whose name would be revealed if the child’s original name were disclosed to the child, unless the law of the child’s State of origin provides otherwise.
2017, c. 12, s. 35.