397. The defendant may, before the filing of the defence and after one clear day’s notice to the attorneys of the other parties, summon to be examined before the judge or clerk upon all facts relating to the issues between the parties or to give communication and allow copy to be made of any document relating to the issues:(1) the plaintiff, or his representative, agent or employee;
(2) in any civil liability action, the victim, and any person involved in the commission of the act which caused the injury;
(3) the person for whom the plaintiff claims as tutor or curator, or for whom he acts as prête-nom, or whose rights he has acquired by transfer, subrogation or other similar title;
(4) with the permission of the court and on such conditions as it may determine, any other person.The examination must be held within the time allowed for the filing of the defence, unless the permission of the judge, clerk or, in the case referred to in subparagraph 4 of the first paragraph, the court, is obtained.