87. The Minister may, by regulation, according to the categories of forestry permit,(1) determine the content of a permit, the conditions for its issue and the cases in and conditions under which it may be transferred;
(2) determine, for permits other than a sugar bush management permit, the conditions for the modification or renewal of the permit;
(2.0.1) determine the cases in which and the conditions under which a sugar bush management permit for acericultural purposes may be modified to allow the transfer of a part of the area of the territory covered by a permit;
(2.1) determine, for permits other than a sugar bush management permit, the conditions for revising the permit while it is in effect and at the time of its renewal, in particular to apportion the reduction in annual volumes of timber following a reduction in the allowable cuts;
(3) determine standards for tapping maple trees or otherwise managing a sugar bush;
(4) set the dues to be paid by a given permit holder and the terms of payment;
(5) set the administrative fees payable for the examination of applications; and
(6) determine the provisions of a regulation the violation of which is an offence and specify, from among the fines prescribed in section 244, the one to which an offender is liable for a given offence.