10. The public body responsible for managing an information resource project of government-wide interest must, each year, send to the Minister a report on the use and release of personal information referred to in section 3. It must, at the same time, send a copy of the report to the Commission d’accès à l’information. The public body must also send the Minister a final report on such a use or release as soon as possible after the close-out of such a project. The final report must be tabled in the National Assembly within 30 days after its receipt or, if the Assembly is not sitting, within 30 days of resumption.
The Minister determines by order the form and content of the reports referred to in the first paragraph and publishes, on the website of the Conseil du trésor, the following information concerning such a project:(1) the name of the project and of the public body responsible for managing it;
(2) the names of the public bodies designated in accordance with the first paragraph of section 3 and the nature of the personal information concerned;
(3) the name of the public body to which the Government has entrusted a function or responsibility in accordance with the second paragraph of section 3 and the nature of that function or responsibility;
(4) a document attesting that all appropriate measures have been taken to ensure the protection of personal information; and
(5) a status report on the legislative amendments potentially required for implementation of the technological solution covered by the project.
The Government must, in accordance with the criteria it establishes, provide for a consultation period, at the end of the period provided for in the first paragraph, to establish whether an implementation Act is necessary, and the Government publishes its conclusions within the next 30 days.
2019, c. 172019, c. 17, s. 10; 2021, c. 332021, c. 33, s. 421.