436.1. In order to promote the coordination, complementarity and integration of the patient care, teaching and research missions of the health institutions designated as university institutions and the universities with which those institutions are affiliated, an integrated university health network is established for each service territory identified by the Minister in cooperation with the Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology.
The network is composed of all the institutions in the territory that operate a general and specialized hospital centre designated as a university hospital centre, a university institute or an affiliated university centre and that are affiliated with the university associated with the network, and of any institution that operates a rehabilitation centre designated as a university institute or an affiliated university centre.
Each institution that forms part of an integrated university health network may be called upon to serve a local area determined by the agency in whose area of jurisdiction the head office of the institution is situated.
2005, c. 32, s. 175; 2013, c. 28, s. 189.